There are four meetings each year, held in January, February, July, and October. The meetings are for the TSCA officers and EVERY member club. Each club is expected to send one (1) representative to the meetings to represent their club and vote on any issues that may be brought forward to or by the association.

Club Meetings

February 222024
Rules & Regs DiscussionDiscuss changes that were presented at the January meeting and vote on new rules.
7:30pmJames E. Ward Ag Center Lebanon, TN
July 252024
State FinalsClubs MUST be present to pick up their state show packets. The packet will contain all necessary forms and information for completing sign
7:30pmJames E. Ward Ag Center Lebanon, TN
October 242024
Officer electionsClubs must attend. State show will be discussed and Officers will be elected.
7:30pmJames E. Ward Ag Center Lebanon, TN
January 252024
Club Membership DuesEach club needs to send a representative with the following:
Club Membership Dues for 2024 — $150 per club
Current Club Charter (Use TN Secretary of State website)
Officer List with Contact Information (phone #s, email addresses, mailing addresses) 
7:30pmJames E. Ward Ag Center Lebanon, TN